Meter Down Economics

Next time again at the same location same situation, the taxi driver gave me the same reason. He then went on to say “Sir, why does the Government allow cars to everyone. People sit alone in their huge SUVs and Sedans and use so much of space on the road. Maybe they shouldn’t allow households with less than three people to own cars. They should be given two wheelers. Also like they do rationing on gas cylinders, they should do the same with cars. One household can own one or two cars maximum provided there are more than two people in the household. That way there will be less traffic on the roads.” I was amazed at the thought process. All I could do was listen, and take back my learnings share it on this blog.
Meter Down Economics I called it, I paid for the ride and for the economic insight. Conversations that I have had with these two drivers regarding why traffic jams occur in Mumbai and how to solve them led me to believe that economics is not sole property of the educated. The uneducated also have their 2 pence to contribute provided there is a ear to hear them.