Mutterings that Matter

Friday, October 28, 2005

'Used'Less or 'Use'Less

In my last blog Se7en Tag I had mentioned that I believe that "Everyone wants to do good/great work they just need direction and opportunities and of course time". They don’t work with you only for that paycheck but to make a difference - a difference to their lives, to the ones they work with, and the organization they work for. Then how is it that so many times you find underperformers or people who are crassly termed as 'Useless'.

They work with you with spending so much time of their daily lives and all that comes to a naught, because they are said to be ‘useless’ to the organization. I’ve had these experiences myself and learnt that maybe it is not that they are useless but that they are ‘used’ less.

What does someone need to be useful – a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging – a sense of satisfaction at the job that they do and a sense of satisfaction to the money they make. Maybe some people require more than just that – maybe it just takes someone to identify that for them. Maybe then will they be Useful, and not useless because they are ‘used’less.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Se7en Tag

Finally I get down to doing the Se7en tag. Atul tagged me and then he 'tsked' me as well :). So now that I have been pushed to the limit here it goes...

Se7en things I plan to do
Start investing seriously
■ Learn a musical instrument (Guitar) and a foreign language (Spanish). May be I could just buy me a Spanish Guitar.
■ Stop procrastinating
■ Travel to destinations I've always desired to - India & Abroad
■ Get some purpose in life – Maybe find an Alien :)
■ Complete books that I start to read
■ Get more organized

Se7en things I can do
■ Sing - Especially when it’s karaoke
■ Pick up any music CD any genre and listen to it
■ Write poems (you can find them at
■ Give advice
■ Drive a fast car using a keyboard
■ Watch 3 movies in a row in a cinema hall
■ Dream of being a Rock Star

Se7en things I can’t do
■ Be a native Latin American and live by the beaches
■ Take credit for someone else’s work
■ Stand on both my legs without getting into my trademark angle bracket pose with one leg slightly folded
■ Remember Lyrics (That’s why I’m better at Karaoke else I’d be a rock star by now)
■ Believe in something blindly especially religion
■ Tease someone who has a handicap
■ Stop buying books, music and movies

Se7en things I say most often
■ Saala (loosely brother in law – but has other connotations as well)
■ Father-in-Law’s brinjals (I think I made it up but it’s not registered yet)
■ Jantu Pakshi (Germs and Birds – used for all and sundry)
■ Mad-o-wot
■ Hmmm… (my favorite chat word)
■ Two ways to look at it… (I wonder how I always find only two ways to a solution)
■ Kya be (Translated as Wot man in Colloquial English)

Se7en things I believe in
■ We are not alone
■ Everyone wants to do good/great work they just need direction and opportunities and of course time
■ God is not what he seems to be
■ Evolution is a theory – Mutation is the reality
■ We are not as knowledgeable as much as our folks from ancient times
■ Live life to the fullest – Maybe this may be your last lifetime
■ Myself!

Se7en people I want to tag
Actually I don’t know so many people to tag in blogspace, so when I find so many people I know, I’ll probably update this.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Caution: Speed breaker Ahead!

An anonymous "friend" commented on my last blog Taking Customer Service on a ride and I quote "long ride, pls update this blog!" in the context of my long absence from the blogging circuit, to which I replied "It's a smooth ride so i'm relaxing ;) waiting for the next speed breaker..". Well I don't know if the speed breaker has arrived but the thought surely has. It is natural tendency when one is traveling at huge speeds to throw caution to the winds and be oblivious of an unforeseen speed breaker that can get things awry.

Traveling is just an analogy to what I want to say. It can be your professional or personal lives, and during the phases of our lives we do experience life going through a smooth and speedy ride. Some may say why worry we’ll see when we have to cross the mountain. Unfortunately when things are going at high speeds, speed breakers have more threatening impacts than mountains.

Name one person who hasn’t encountered these speed breakers, I’m sure there will be the exceptional lucky ones born with a golden spoon types who may never have encountered life’s speed breakers. But to the rest mere mortals like us they are always there lurking in the corner waiting for that unsuspecting victim.

I’m not paranoid mind you, just aware and ready to face the next speed breaker when I encounter it.