Mutterings that Matter

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Rich Crime Rate!

I can kill and get away with it
I can rape and never regret it
I can break all the rules and yet be nonchalant about it

Because I have the contacts and deep pockets
Because I can mummify the witnesses with currency notes and bury the accusers in the depth of my influence

Because I am rich and influential

Anytime, Anywhere

Why? How? When? Are all the questions that you and I will keep asking. But the crux of the matter is the rich get away with anything. Of course there are some who do not manage it even with huge influences and deep pockets, but that is after one has crossed the threshold of crime. The threshold for the rich is way up than what it is for the middle class and the poor.

Sigh! What is this world all about - reeking of inequality.