Mutterings that Matter

Monday, September 05, 2005

Risking Change

There have been times in life when I have looked back and wondered if I needed to change some things. These may have been changes that could have taken my life in a very different direction. Personal life apart, I think from a professional stand point, this day i.e. 05 September, holds a lot of importance because that was the day 11 years back in 1994, that I made my entry into this field called eLearning as it is more popularly known today. I have stayed on for 11 long years going with the flow from one organization to another.

From the multimedia shop that I was in to online learning solutions, a relatively unknown field then, was a big leap at that point. As I look back today I don't know if I will be able to do an encore of that kind of a leap. It's a funny situation that age and experience brings you into, the ability or inability to take risks - calculated or blind. Come to think of it, its also been a little over 11 years that a job interview that I gave led me to accept the job offer given to me.

There is a strange feeling inside of me today as I reminisce that day and I can’t explain that feeling. I’m not able to qualify myself as risk averse or risk taking or someone stuck in his comfort zone. This thought is as incomplete as I’m feeling right now and I’ll let it be that way. I’ll just go with the flow.


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