Mutterings that Matter

Friday, October 27, 2006

Shedding light through lit up thoughts

These are thoughts that have finally translated to words. There are thoughts that haven't. Maybe someday they will too. If they don't maybe I'm not thinking enough. Ofcourse, unless they are 'Mutterings that Matter' they will not show up here.

That's my introduction of this blog, these are basically thoughts that I have had, thoughts that appeared one fine day from no where and then coax me to pen them down, in the present context type them out. handwriting is not that great. I'm not a writer I must admit and it will not take a literary genius to figure that out. That is however not the purpose anyways. These are thoughts that have been expressed simply because they have been deserving enough in my mind to make them bloggable.

This is my 77th post so I have come a decently long way in the space of a little under 2 years in the blogarena. I have had fun writing whenever I could – though that has not been frequent enough – maybe I'm not thinking enough or maybe I've a tube light fixed in my head rather than a regular bulb. Time for a change methinks.

The bloginning… was good and nid-less to say I decided to give my Thoughts the Freedom and the Courtesy of Choice to Think Different – Make it happen as and when it said ‘Hey! I have an Idea'. I have been Attempting not to fail my thoughts in expressing the internal Conversation I have had. In this new Walk of life I have questioned myself often ‘Are you Competent?’ or is my fledgling talent ‘Used’ Less or ‘Use’ less. What if…in my inch by inch progress I would be traveling without moving and instead of being a celebrity blogger I would be a celeb-oddity. Yet I decided to take the same journey yet again and again till I was able to answer the question of Who am I?. I know I have miles to go…I’m still at 77…my tryst with destiny in blogspace still going north, reminiscing the remains of the taste of my favourite blog posts. Like they say if music be the food of life, play on…it's like that for blogs.

Though these are not all my blog posts I have loved everyone of them even those not mentioned here. Waiting to get to the 3 figure mark and be part of an elite club of some of my other blogmates.



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